Purple Patterned Dress Shirt | The Plum Unique Men's Upcycled

Size Size N0 Size N1 Size N2 Size N3 Size N4 Size N5

Our shirts are crafted with seasonal fabrics, making them truly unique; however, this also means that their availability is limited. As a result, we will not be restocking this mens plum dress shirt, however, we have introduced a new and improved version called "" with similar features that you might be interested in.


Our men's purple dress shirt exudes an unmatched elegance. Dark purple dress shirts complement all skin tones and are a great color to have in your wardrobe. This plum dress shirt also has a textured weave, adding a touch of uniqueness to its design. You'll stand out effortlessly in any social or professional setting, making a confident impression that won't go unnoticed.

  • Style: Plum dress shirt
  • Collar: Franklin semi-spread collar
  • Pattern: Textured with dark contrast interior collar
  • Material: 100% cotton
  • Cuff: 2-Button adjustable rounded cuffs
  • Collar Stays: Metal engraved stays included
  • Body Fit: Slim fit
  • Care Instructions: Machine washable and hang dry. Easy-iron and steam. Dry clean friendly


This exquisite purple dress shirt for men is imbued with the essence of the versatile plum fruit, widely cherished in Asian culinary and medicinal practices. Exuding an elegant blend of subtle purples and blues, this shirt artfully captures the plum's adaptable nature, making it a timeless addition to your wardrobe.